Main Objective
AccelWater’s project main objective is to optimize freshwater water consumption in the food and beverage industry under a water-waste-energy nexus by introducing beyond state-of-the-art water reclaiming, reusing and Artificial Intelligence enabled monitoring and control technologies.
Optimize freshwater water consumption
AccelWater Project Facts
-30% or more decrease of fresh water consumption
-20% or more decrease in waste production
Strategic Impact
DIGNITY in AccelWater
• Leader of WP8: Evaluation of the AccelWater demonstration systems and services
• Leader of Task 7.7: Performance management and sustainability measurement of AccelWater systems and testing
Roles of DIGNITY
• System Analysis for different scenarios and processes
• Lead the LCA, LCC, techno-economic analysis of the proposed systems.
• Social Impact analysis
• Development of a water-waste-energy nexus model integrating the AccelWater solutions
• Food Safety
more about AccelWater project
learn more about our project AccelWater by visiting the website: