Main Objective

AccelWater’s project main objective is to optimize freshwater water consumption in the food and beverage industry under a water-waste-energy nexus by introducing beyond state-of-the-art water reclaiming, reusing and Artificial Intelligence enabled monitoring and control technologies.

Optimize freshwater water consumption

“The food and beverage industry consumes 56% of the available water for industrial and urban use!”

AccelWater Project Facts

5 Countries / 5 Industries / 18 Partners / 48 Months
-30% or more decrease of fresh water consumption
-20% or more decrease in waste production

Strategic Impact

AccelWater proposes an approach that – if broadly adopted – will disrupt the current food and beverage industry and accelerate the adoption of industrial resources reclaiming technologies (water, energy, waste substances) by the industry in connection with smart and precise monitoring, control and future demand prediction.

DIGNITY in AccelWater

• Leader of WP8: Evaluation of the AccelWater demonstration systems and services
• Leader of Task 7.7: Performance management and sustainability measurement of AccelWater systems and testing

Roles of DIGNITY

• System Analysis for different scenarios and processes
• Lead the LCA, LCC, techno-economic analysis of the proposed systems.
• Social Impact analysis
• Development of a water-waste-energy nexus model integrating the AccelWater solutions
• Food Safety

more about AccelWater project

learn more about our project AccelWater by visiting the website: